Sometimes the best (...and most cost effective!...) development for school staff and even parents & carers is in a workshop setting. There are a number of workshops available that are designed to support the culture & ethos that Senior Leaders are striving to create.
JC Wellbeing Workshops are fun, relaxed, informative, transformational and interactive. They're designed specifically to support the practice of those responsible for the care and development of children & young people.
The impacts?
Practically - you'll be armed with the information & tools to develop a nurturing and encouraging environment.
Emotionally & mentally - You'll feel heard, supported and empowered in supporting not only the children, but yourself too!
...Enter - JC Wellbeing Workshops.
"Jimmy, thank you so much for today - we learnt more than we thought we ever could and at points got a real wake up call! It was like therapy and brought us all closer together Jim, thank you."
Our workshops are designed and tailored to those who support children & young people, including:
Headteachers & SLT
School staff
Support staff
Normally the workshops are delivered in a school setting, but can also be delivered remotely - based on your needs.
Sessions are anywhere between 1 hour - 1 day in length dependant on your needs.
Follow up actions are provided in all sessions ensuring attendees have the power to take their learning forward into their everyday practice & lives.
“It was actually refreshing to realise that the basics, done well, can make the biggest impact. Sometimes you know the right thing to do...but we get so busy, we aren't actually doing it. I see that now"
It all starts with an initial chat to understand your needs so we can design the best workshop for you, but here's a flavour of the workshops on offer...
Managing emotions - prevention, diffusion & de-escalation
Identifying & working with specific needs
Self care for school staff
Time management
Positive mindset habits
Relationship building & positive communication
Building trust with parents & carers
Setting your classroom up for success
Supporting each other - effective colleague communication
Our workshops are tailored to YOU, your school and the needs of your staff & parents / carers. To chat about booking in a workshop for your school, drop an E-Mail to: jimmycrosswellbeing@gmail.com.
Be sure to include the best contact name / number for a quick consultation!